The best of the online martial arts courses.
I was looking for an online course because of the Coronavirus lockdown. Luciano Sensei has structured this course very well and is honest about both what it does and what it does not do.
This is not a “get your black belt online” course. It is a course which offers training in Iai and the martial arts techniques which can be practised solo. Students get quality instruction and feedback. Sensei is very honest about this, and is very clear about the high standards to which he holds students.
He is also very clear about which parts of the art require supervision or partner study, which is why Dan grade testing must be in person (when this is possible).
Doing this course will develop your physical and mental wellbeing, as well as helping to prepare you for a belt exam if you wish to take one.
The entire Mugai Ryu organisation have been very helpful in advising how to get started. I can recommend both this course and Mugai Ryu highly. It’s a high quality product and you will not be disappointed.