Mugai Ryu Iaido Online Course

Learn Mugai Ryu Iaido online in our complete course

The Mugai Ryu Iaido Online Course is a complete online training program. You will learn everything from theory to Iai Kata in detailed and precisely explained high quality video lessons.

Our full Iaido Online Course has over 145 Full HD video lessons with almost 10 hours of high quality content. Depending on your rank you will unlock these step by step after taking exams, the training plan is in sync with the official Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha curriculum.

To adapt to the fact that you are learning online by yourself in contrast to visiting a Dojo, your first examination will start with the rank of 5th Kyu and you can take online-exams normally until 2nd Dan. For Dan-examinations we prefer you to visit one of our Dojos around the world or visit a seminar with a certified master though. Online Dan examinations will be taken by Luciano Sensei and another Menkyo graded Sensei together. Your examinations will be officially certified by Niina Gyokusou Toyoaki Soke from Tokyo, Japan.

Your subscription offers the following services:

  • Access to over 145 video-lessons (over 100 from the beginning)
  • Take officially certified examinations online
  • Upload your videos for corrections
  • Become an official member of Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha
  • Book private or group online-classes
  • Join online-seminars and trainings

Let´s go through these points more clearly.


Access to over 145 video-lessons

Since we want to stay as authentic as possible, some of the content needs to be unlocked by taking examinations to stay in line with the official Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha curriculum since some Kata are restricted by rank. You will start with over 110 videos.

Take officially certified examinations online

You can only take examinations online till 2nd Dan. For Dan-examinations we prefer you to take the exam in person with a certified master. Next to the about 20 Dojos Europe-wide in our Mugai Ryu Europe federation, Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha has dojos worldwide. If this is not possible for you, the exam will be taken by Luciano Sensei and another Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha Shihan online. Your examinations will be officially certified by the Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha Soke Niina Gyokusou Toyokai.

Upload your video for corrections

To ensure your correct training and development we will have a personal contact. This is mainly established through corrections of your techniques and Kata, but can also include direct questions from your side. We prepared a guide on your User Page for the procedure.

Become an official member of Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha

With your subscription you will become an official member of Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha, the Mugai Ryu Europe federation and the Tenshinkai Dojo. We are a grand budo family spanning not only Europe, but the whole world with it´s central in Tokyo, Japan.

Book private online-classes

You can book exclusive private or small-group Zoom-online-classes with Luciano Sensei or Simon Senpai directly in our shop, we will contact you to find a fitting date afterwards.

Join online-seminars and trainings

There will be exclusive Zoom-online-trainings on a monthly base with Simon Senpai. We plan on expanding the schedule if the demand is there. Additionally there will be periodic training-lessons with Luciano Sensei and other high ranked teachers of our Mugai Ryu Europe Federation. You can book them directly in our shop.

If you still have questions about the course, please contact us.


The complete list of online lessons

Here you can see the full list of our video-lessons. Please remember that some content needs to be unlocked by taking examinations.

Introduction & Learning path

  1. Welcome, what to expect
  2. Free membership
  3. Starterpack Membership
  4. Subscription
  5. Luciano Sensei & Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha
  6. Course structure, how to start & included services
  7. Your Daily Training Routine
  8. Exam preperation & next steps
  9. Iaido
  10. Kenjutsu
  11. Tameshigiri – cutting test
  12. Genko Nito Ryu

Theory & mindset

  1. About Mugai Ryu
  2. Cutting Iai & correct mindset
  3. Katana, Wakizashi, Daisshou
  4. Tsuji Gettan, the founder of Mugai Ryu
  5. Modern Bushido – mindset of a warrior


  1. Introduction
  2. Zen-Meditation and breathing
  3. Guided Meditation
  4. Who hears, who talks, who sees?
  5. Positive Affirmations
  6. Tandem / Dantien Meditation

Body Basics & Mechanics

  1. Introduction
  2. Stance
  3. Footwork
  4. Standing up
  5. Sitting down 
  6. Seiza position
  7. Body mechanics in general
  8. Warming up

Equipment Care & use

  1. Introduction
  2. How to bind the Obi
  3. How to wear the Keiko Gi
  4. How to take off the Keiko Gi
  5. How to fold your Keiko Gi
  6. Sword handling
  7. How to wear the Katana
  8. How to wear the Wakizashi

Torei & Reishiki

  1. Introduction
  2. Reishiki in Mugai Ryu
  3. Reishiki for examination
  4. Torei:
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
    3. Mindset
  5. Rei – bowing while standing
  6. Rei – Bowing while seated
  7. Short Torei

Kamae & Basic principles

  1. Introduction
  2. Kamae – the different Stances
  3. Drawing the Sword
  4. Noto
  5. Furikaburi
    1. General Explanation
    2. After Yokoichi & Tsuki
    3. After Gyakku Kessa
  6. Tekizuke
  7. Chiburi
  8. Zanshin
  9. Toei Yama no metsuke
  10. Zagi / Seiza:
    1. Introduction & General Explanation
    2. Furikaburi
    3. Missing Chiburi
    4. Noto
    5. Zanshin

Suburi – Training the cuts

  1. Introduction
  2. Makko Giri
  3. Kessa Giri
  4. Gyakku Kessa Giri Hidari
  5. Gyakku Kessa Giri Migi
  6. Yokoichi Monji Hidari
  7. Yokoichi Monji Migi

Nukiuchi – Cutting on the draw

  1. Introduction & Yokoichi Monji Hidari
  2. Makko Giri
  3. Kessa Giri Hidari
  4. Gyakku Kessa Giri Hidari
  5. Makko Giri: Zagi – Seated
  6. Gyakku Kessa Giri: Zagi – Seated
  7. Yokoichi Monji Hidar: Zagi – Seated

Kihon Kata

  1. Introduction
  2. Kihon Ichi
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  3. Kihon Ni
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  4. Kihon San
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation

Iaido Kata

  1. General Explanation & the Kata Sets: Go-Ou, Go-Yo, Go-Ka, Hashiri-Gakari

Iaido Kata: Go-Yo Set

  1. General Explanation & Basics while Training Zagi
  2. Shin
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  3. Ren
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  4. Sa
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  5. Yuu
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  6. Sha
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation

Iaido Kata: Go-Ou Set

  1. Munazukushi
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  2. Enyo
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  3. Ryouguruma
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  4. No-Okuri
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  5. Gyokkou
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation

Iaido Kata: Go-Ka Set

  1. General Info & Differences to the Go-Yo Set
  2. Suigetsu
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  3. Inchuyo
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  4. Yochuin
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  5. Hibiki Gaeshi
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  6. Hazumi
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation

Iaido Kata: Hashiri Gakari Set

  1. General Explanations & Hashiru – Running
  2. Mae Goshi
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  3. Musou Gaeshi
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  4. Mawari Gakari
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  5. Migi No Teki
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation
  6. Shihou
    1. Execution
    2. Explanation


  1. Tameshigiri At Home

Zen Buddhism

  1. Introduction into Zen Buddhism
    1. Introduction of Fuso
    2. Quoting the Buddhas and Ancestors
    3. History of Zen Buddhism
    4. Introduction on Zazen
    5. Fukanzazengi by Dogen Zenji
    6. Home Practise
    7. About These Classes
    8. What Zen is (not)!
    9. The Barrier Gate
  2. Dharma Lectures by Fuso
    1. Topics in Zen Buddhism
    2. Practising Your Art
    3. Zen – Transmission Beyond Words and Ideas
    4. Budo – Transmission Beyond Kata and Form
    5. Suffering and Compassion
  3. Zen Texts and Koan
    1. Genjokoan
    2. Yunmens Everyones Light
    3. Riding the Ox Home
    4. Huangbo´ s Sacred Labor
    5. Mazus What Teachings do You Offer
    6. Guishans don´ t Betray Others
  4. Zazen With Fuso
    1. Zazen 5 minutes
    2. Zazen 10 minutes
    3. Zazen 20 minutes (5 Minute Bells)
    4. Zazen 20 minutes


Get the full experience and buy the full Course subscription.