Welcome to Iaido Online

Mugai Ryu Iaido Online Course

The Mugai Ryu Iaido Online Course is a complete online training program. You will learn everything from theory to Iai Kata in detailed and precisely explained high quality video lessons.

The Mugai Ryu Iaido Online Course is born from my urge to let people around the world experience the wonderful world of Japanese Samurai Martial Arts in all Budo aspects. The idea became concrete in the time of the Corona Pandemic, seeing that there is a high demand from many countries worldwide.

We offer a free registration with limited access to 26 Video lessons, so you can get a feeling for the course and see, if it offers what you expect.

Our full Iaido Online Course has over 146 Full HD video lessons with almost 10 hours of high quality content. Depending on your rank you will unlock these step by step after taking exams, the training plan is in sync with the official Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha curriculum.

Your subscription offers the following services:

  • Access to over 145 video-lessons (over 100 from the beginning)
  • Take officially certified examinations online
  • Upload your videos for corrections
  • Become an official member of Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha
  • Book private or group online-classes
  • Join online-seminars and trainings

Since we are the Honbu Dojo of the European Mugai Ryu Federation, with over 20 Dojos, I was thinking of creating an Iaido Online Course for a long time. The premise was to have a guideline for everybody in all aspects from theory, mindset, meditation, Zen, body mechanics, equipment care and of course the techniques themselves.

I was struggling with myself if I could keep the authenticity in an Online Course for a long time, but finally made up my mind and the fantastic result cleared all doubts and I am looking forward to welcome many more people from all around the world.

When you want to start the full course you have the options of a 2-months Starter-Pack, monthly subscription and a discounted full year membership.

Only the paid options offers you all the additional services of our complete Mugai Ryu Online Course like accessing over 130 Videos with almost 10 hours of online-lessons, getting corrections for your techniques, taking certified exams online, training in our Dojos, participating in Zoom-Online-Trainings and many more.

If you need more detailed information about our services, please visit the The Course site.

I hope you enjoy our Mugai Ryu Iaido Online Classes and am looking forward to meet you soon.